What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is a patient-centered, science-based approach to health with a focus on the root cause of illness, not just treating symptoms.  Our bodies are seen as a whole, connected system. This approach works to create balance within all the different systems of the body and to ensure they are working optimally.   In functional medicine, lifestyle, genetics, environment, and food all play an important role in overall health.  Patients within this model are actively involved in creating & cultivating individual health and wellness.  Functional Medicine Health & Wellness Coaches bridge the gap between diagnosis and transformation.

The functional medicine tree offers a visual picture of this approach to health.  The tree represents the human body.  At the root of the tree there are important lifestyle factors needed to grow a strong, thriving tree.  Functional Medicine Health Coaches are important to creating a flourishing tree by working with clients to optimize these factors and create a sturdy foundation.  

 Moving from the roots, through the trunk to the crown of the tree, functional medicine finds other aspects that impact our wellness, such as our physiologic & psychological development, genetics, and the balance of systems within the body.

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